Post by Logan on Jun 30, 2016 20:56:23 GMT -6
Gov. Walker’s vetoes cut more than $150M in school and university fundingMoney for public schools, the University of Alaska and scholarships got chopped Wednesday when Gov. Bill Walker took his veto pen to the Legislature's state budget. Away went $10 million from the university's budget. So did about $6.4 million from the per-student funding formula for school districts, $6.4 million from student transportation, $4.7 million in one-time funding for public schools and more than $40 million for construction projects. In total, more than $150 million once set aside for schools, the university and the state education department disappeared. "Cutting the funding to all levels of our education system, from pre-K to our UA system, is cutting Alaska's future before it even gets a chance to grow," said Juan San Miguel, Alaska PTA president, in a Wednesday statement. Read more: www.adn.com/alaska-news/education/2016/06/29/gov-walkers-vetoes-mean-elimination-of-more-than-150m-in-school-university-funding/