Post by pavel on May 13, 2016 2:15:21 GMT -6
Concealed carry permits sans training OK'd for domestic abuse victimsBATON ROUGE — The House voted unanimously to allow certain victims of domestic violence to get an expedited, temporary concealed carry permit without training if they are under a protective court order. House Bill 1155 by Rep Valarie Hodges, R-Denham Springs, allows a 35-day concealed carry permit without having taken the requisite gun-safety class for victims of domestic violence who get an injunction against their abuser. “Most everybody realizes guns are deadly,” Hodges said. “(Victims of domestic violence) feel an imminent danger.” Hodges cited statistics from the Louisiana Supreme Court that 60 percent of those who get protective orders have them violated. She said 30 percent of those under protective orders suffer violent physical harm as a result of the violation. Read more: www.shreveporttimes.com/story/news/local/louisiana/2016/05/11/concealed-carry-permits-sans-training-okd-domestic-abuse-victims/84259092/