Post by Logan on Jun 15, 2016 1:11:09 GMT -6
Portland leaders including Mayor Charlie Hales and Multnomah County Chairwoman Deborah Kafoury on Tuesday called on Oregon Gov. Kate Brown to use her bully pulpit to pressure Washington's governor to reject a large oil train terminal in Vancouver. The group, which included a tribal representative and the first emergency responder at the fiery Mosier oil train derailment June 3, said Brown must work with President Barack Obama and Oregon's federal leadership to press for a permanent ban on oil trains. "It's not safe, and it's not responsible," Hales said. "We need to move in a different direction." Brown, who previously had not taken a stand on the terminal, responded that she was "concerned" about any new oil facilities on Washington's side of the Columbia River, referring to both the oil train terminal and a refinery proposed downriver in Longview. Read more: www.oregonlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2016/06/portland_mayor_to_gov_kate_bro.html