Post by Logan on Jun 18, 2016 23:12:45 GMT -6
WASHINGTON — Bernie Sanders is not taking his revolution gently into that good night. The Vermont senator is executing an intricate endgame to the Democratic primary that he hopes will continue to inspire the 12 million voters who flocked to him, while drawing lines in the political sand that Hillary Clinton and other establishment leaders won’t dare to cross. But come January, he will face an existential test: Can his self-proclaimed revolution survive the move from stadiums roaring with adoring fans to the wood-paneled congressional hearing rooms and private political offices of Washington? Sanders’ allies believe their colleague, a 25-year veteran of the House and Senate, returns to his job as a senator in Washington with new power to influence and shape policy on the issues he built his campaign on. Others doubt the longtime loner can transform himself into a skilled inside player just because he played the outside game so well for the past year. Read more: www.bostonglobe.com/news/politics/2016/06/17/bernie-sanders-endgame-focused-keeping-his-revolution-alive/QeJ8UUR2IJEwH1HwngGvBL/story.html